How to Gift the Perfect Gift Every Time

Gift-giving is a beautiful way to show appreciation, celebrate special occasions, and strengthen connections with our loved ones and colleagues. But how do you ensure that each gift you give is truly meaningful and cherished? In this in-flight magazine article, I unveil the secrets to giving the perfect gift every time, elevating your gifting game to new heights.

Look Beyond Occasions

Break free from the constraints of traditional gifting on specific occasions. Discover opportunities for spontaneous and unexpected gifts that convey love and care. In case your mind has gone blank, here are a few of my favourite examples of spontaneous gifts to give just because:

  • A bouquet of fresh flowers for the kitchen

  • A freshly made coffee or smoothie from a local cafe

Embrace Thoughtful Listening, The Art of Observation & Delight In The Unexpected

Train your ears to listen actively during conversations, noting your recipient's desires, dreams, and even subtle hints dropped throughout the year. Sharpen your observational skills to understand your recipient's tastes, preferences, and personal style. Pay attention to what makes their eyes light up. Infuse a personal touch into each gift, making it truly unique and tailored to the recipient's interests and passions. Then, surprise your recipients with unexpected and delightful gifts, showing them that you truly understand and value their individuality.


The Power of a Gift Tracker Spreadsheet

  • Create a gift tracker spreadsheet to organize and store essential information about your recipients. Include details such as their names, birthdays, marital status, children's names and ages, pets, dietary preferences, hobbies, and interests.

  • Utilize the gift tracker to log observations and gift ideas throughout the year, ensuring you have a well-curated list of options when special occasions arise.

  • Stay ahead of the game by setting reminders for upcoming events, allowing you to plan thoughtful gifts well in advance.

  • By maintaining a comprehensive gift tracker, you can guarantee that each present is uniquely tailored to the recipient, making it all the more meaningful and unforgettable.


Memories and Experiences

Consider gifting experiences or nostalgic items that evoke precious memories and create lasting moments of joy.

When my friend’s brother got married in 2021, I wanted to get him and his wife something special that would remind them of their special day forever in a way that they would appreciate. I ended up opting for The Night Sky Canvas, which features a custom star map of the night they got married. Special, right? Especially for aviation fans like them.

Practicality with a Touch of Luxury

Strike the perfect balance between utility and indulgence, offering gifts that are not only useful but also bring a touch of luxury to everyday life.

Sentimental Gestures

Tap into the emotional aspect of gifting by incorporating heartfelt notes, personal messages, or customized elements that symbolize your bond.

The Gift of Time

Sometimes, the most valuable gift you can offer is your time and undivided attention. Plan quality experiences together or extend a helping hand when needed.

Your presence is the best present.

Mastering the art of giving the perfect gift is a journey of compassion and understanding. By honing your skills in thoughtful listening, keen observation, and personalization, and leveraging the power of a gift tracker spreadsheet, you can transcend the ordinary and create extraordinary moments through your gifts. Embrace the joy of giving and watch as your gestures strengthen relationships, leaving a lasting imprint on the hearts of those you cherish.

If you think there’s something missing from our list that has worked well for you, share it in the comments below for fellow female high-flyers to benefit from. If it all looks good to you, it would be great to hear about your positive gifting experience stories. Because there is no better feeling than giving someone a gift they love.

High Flying Design

High Flying Design is an online magazine & community for women invoking change, launching something new or carving a unique path in life.

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